4 Signs it’s Time to Change Your Tires

Your vehicle tires go through all types of wear and tear on the road. Like any other part of your car, tires require certain maintenance. Drivers should check for tire alignment, tread, tire pressure, and more. Most importantly, you will need to regularly replace your tires when they become too
... continue reading.3 Car Care Tips for the Winter

Wintertime can be terrible for your car, especially if you don’t take the necessary measures to protect it. It’s vital to shield it from the elements because snow and cold can affect your tires and windows. According to MyCarNeedsA.com, each vehicle’s handbook has a special booklet with the maintenance service
... continue reading.What You Should Know About Certified Automotive Mechanics

The automotive industry has experienced exponential growth over the last few years. More people will join this sector to offer an auto repair service, as the demand for such increases with the rising number of vehicles globally. However, not all mechanics go through the proper procedures to become professionals and
... continue reading.5 Reasons You Should Get Regular Vehicle Maintenance

Many people depend on their cars daily for transportation to various places and commitments. As a result, many people spend several hours of their day commuting in their cars. Since cars command a great level of dependency, their maintenance is important to prevent problems that could cause them to break
... continue reading.Time To Have Your Tires Rotated?

No matter what make or model your vehicle might be, it needs to be equipped with healthy tires in order to perform effectively. As such, keeping your tires in good shape should be a big part of your vehicle’s maintenance plan and having your tires rotated regularly should be a
... continue reading.The Benefits of Using an Independent Auto Body Shop for Repairs

If you bought your vehicle from a dealership, it is likely that a maintenance or repair plan was included that allows you to get services for free or at a discounted rate for a particular period. After that, you must make a conscious decision on whether to fix the vehicle
... continue reading.3 Signs You Need Tire Replacement Services

As any driver knows, good tires are essential to a safe and comfortable ride. They provide traction and cushioning, helping to keep the car stable on the road. However, tires can become worn down over time, making them less effective and honestly quite dangerous. Fortunately, there are some telltale signs
... continue reading.Improve Your Gas Mileage This Summer!

Summer is (finally) on its way to Michigan! In addition to potentially causing sunburns and dehydration, the hottest season of the year can also wreak havoc on your vehicle’s gas mileage. Given the cost of fuel here in 2022, being as efficient as possible when it comes to your vehicle’s
... continue reading.Three Common Reasons For a Check Engine Light

If you see your check engine light on when driving, you should get it checked out as soon as possible. A check engine light could mean something funky is going on with your car. It could be a minor problem or a big problem. Whatever the case may be, when
... continue reading.Spark Plugs: Important to your Ignition System

Gas-powered cars are dependent upon their ignition system to run. Ignition systems ignite gasoline which in turn powers the motor and propels the vehicle forward. Key components of the ignition system include spark plugs and cables among other parts including, in some cases, distributors. Typically, the spark plug is the
... continue reading.