Is Your Automotive Service Technician ASE Certified?

An ASE certification (also known as an L1 certification) says a lot about your automotive service technician. It tells you that they value their job, and that they want to promote excellence within the industry. It tells their clients that they know their stuff. Below are just some of the

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Dealerships & Local Auto Repair Garages: A Comparison

It’s never an easy decision when you’re choosing where to take your ride to get a repair. That’s why we decided to compare your two most likely options- a small auto repair garage or a dealership- to help you figure out which option is right for your car or truck.

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Complimentary Auto Repair Transit Services

Time is money; we’ve all heard that phrase over and over again. At Veenstra’s Auto Repair in Grand Rapids, we get that. That’s why we offer the one perk that shows we understand- a free auto repair transit service for our customers. One of thebiggest hassles for a person taking

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6 dangerous auto noises that should not be overlooked:

All motorists have had that moment – the one when that worrisome noise starts. Even cars in tip-top shape make noises, and most of them aren’t problematic or a sign that something is in need of imminent repair. The fan hums a bit loudly, tires whirr, something small in the

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What’s that noise? It could be your car axle.

THE IMPORTANCE OF CAR AXLES As all mechanics will tell you, axles are a very important part of your vehicle. Without them, your wheels will not move, and a sound axle is as vital as good brakes or tires. Most people understand that without functional brakes, tires, engines, or steering

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3 Signs You’re Driving on a Bent Rim

A bent rim may seem like a minor issue, but ignoring one for too long can be dangerous and expensive down the road. Sometimes the problem will be obvious. If not, do a quick mental rundown of your driving history. Have you hit any curbs, major potholes, or been in

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Spring Road Trip? Visit Your Mechanic First

You’ve got an exciting road trip planned for this spring, and you want to make sure your car is ready for the drive. It’s time to visit the mechanic shop before your vacation, so you don’t have to worry about your vehicle while you and your family are on the

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Auto Repair – Saving On Repair Bills

Ignoring that annoying check engine light might seem harmless, but not listening to what your car is trying to tell you can have some major auto repair consequences. Especially with the unpredictable weather in the Grand Rapids area, regular tune-ups at the service shop are essential to making sure your vehicle

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How To Keep Your Auto out of the Repair Shop

You, like most people, think keeping your auto clean means a trip once or twice a month to the car wash. If you keep that up though, your car might need a pricey trip to the repair shop.   Due to exposed components and open chassis, most cars and trucks

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Taking Care of Your Windshield This Winter

It’s now the time of year again where we Michiganders begin prepping for the long winter ahead. Unfortunately, getting your car ready for winter, while smart and advisable, won’t prevent you from experiencing some of the common problems drivers have in cold and stormy weather. This month we will focus

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